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Restore and protect a local ecosystem
Work in groups. Make a poster to illustrate an ecosystem in your local area and suggest ideas to restore and/or protect it.
Give a group presentation. Use these questions as cues.
• What does the ecosystem include?
• What is its current condition? Is it damaged?
• What can we do to restore and/or protect it?
Now I can ... | ✓ | ✓✓ | ✓✓✓ |
• use rising and falling intonation in question tags. • understand and use words and phrases related to ecosystems. understand and use compound nouns. • read for main ideas and specific information in an article about a national park. • talk about ways to protect local biodiversity and respond to situations that may harm the environment. • listen for specific information in a talk about the human impact on ecosystems, and make predictions. • write an opinion essay about spending money on restoring local ecosystems. • express likes and dislikes. • understand how ecosystems around the world are protected and restored. • make a poster about a local ecosystem and how to restore/protect it, and present it to the class. |