Sách Giáo Khoa 247

Tiếng Anh 10 - Language | Global Success & Bộ Giáo Dục - Đào Tạo

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(Page 77)


   Stress in words with more than three syllables

1. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the syllable with the primary stress.

   1. ,application                   5. ,popu'lation
   2. com,muni'cation           6. ,inde'pendent
   3. ,eco'nomic                    7. ,possi'bility
   4. ,expla'nation                 8. par,tici'pation

   Some long words have a secondary stress which is much weaker than the primary stress.
   Example: ,eco'nomic
   In dictionaries, primary stress is marked with a raised vertical line and secondary stress with a lowered vertical line at the beginning of the syllable.

2. Listen and mark the primary stress in the words in bold. Then practise saying the sentences. 🎧

   1. Viet Nam is a member of different international organisations.
   2. Our responsibility is to help the most disadvantaged children.
   3. This organisation aims to promote environmental protection.
   4. UNICEF aims to create educational opportunities for all children.

(Page 78)

  Joining international organisations

1. Match the words in bold with their meanings in the box.

A. intends                           D. encourage
B. is pleased to accept        E. promised 
C. go into

   1. Because we are a member of the WTO, our goods can enter more markets.
   2. Organising different festivals helps Viet nam promote local customs and values.
   3. UNICEF particularly aims to support the most disadvantaged children.
   4. UNDP has committed to provide Viet Nam with technical support and advice.
   5. Viet Nam welcomes foreign businesses who want to invest in the economy.

2. Complete the following sentences, using the correct forms of the words in bold in 1.

   1. Joining the WTO has helped Viet Nam _____ its economic growth.
   2. Viet Nam _____ foreign investors in various parts of the economy
   3. We _____ to use the donations effectively. We have signed an agreement on this.
   4. This environmental organisation _____ to protect local forests. It has a detailed plan to achieve this.
   5. We need to improve the quality of goods and services so that they can _____ new markets.

   Comparative and superlative adjectives

     We use comparative adjectives to:
     • compare a person or thing with another person or thing.
       The European markets are usually more competitive than the Asian markets.
       The Asian markets are less competitive than the European markets.
     • show changes.
       Since then, our country has become more active.
       We use superlatives to compare a person or thing with the whole group of which that person or thing is a member.
       This trade organisation includes two of the largest economies in the world: the United States and China.
       UNICEF supports the most disadvantaged children all over the world.

1. Choose the correct answers.

   1. WTO rules make trade the easiest / easier for smaller member countries.
   2. This job offer is more attractive / the most attractive than the previous one.
   3. Because of poorly designed packaging, our products are less competitive / the least competitive than foreign products.
   4. Over the past few years, Viet Nam has become one of more popular / the most popular destinations for foreign visitors in Southeast Asia.

2. Write another sentence using the word(s) in brackets. Make sure it has the same meaning as the previous one.

   The ASEAN markets are less competitive than the EU markets. (more competitive)
   -> The EU markets are more competitive than the ASEAN markets.

   1. No place is more popular with foreign visitors than this city. (the most popular)
   -> ____________________________________________________________________________________.
   2. In many supermarkets, imported goods are not as expensive as locally produced goods. (cheaper)
   -> ____________________________________________________________________________________.
   3. No international organisation is larger than the United Nations. (the largest)
   -> ____________________________________________________________________________________.
   4. In the past, our country wasn't as active on the international stage as it is today. (more active)
   -> ____________________________________________________________________________________.


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Tài liệu học tập

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Global Success & Bộ Giáo Dục - Đào Tạo

Bộ sách Global Success & Bộ Giáo Dục - Đào Tạo là sự kết hợp giữa ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh theo lối giảng dạy truyền thống và cập nhật những phương thức quốc tế


NXB - Đại Học Sư Phạm TPHCM

NXB - Đại Học Sư Phạm TPHCM

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