Sách Giáo Khoa 247

Tiếng Anh 10 - Language | Global Success & Bộ Giáo Dục - Đào Tạo

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(Page 43)


   Stress in two-syllable words with the same spelling

1. Listen to the sentences and circle the word with the stress you hear. 🎧

   1. The centre keeps a record of all donations.
     a. 'record                  b. re'cord
   2. We will record the charity live show for those who can't watch it live.
     a. record                   b. re'cord
   3. There was an increase in house prices last year.
     a. increase                b. in'crease
   4. We want to increase students' interest in volunteering at the community centre. 
     a. increase                b. in'crease
   5. I got this present from a visitor to our centre.
     a. 'present                b. pre'sent
   6. We need to help local businesses to export their products.
     a. e'xport                  b. ex'port

   In many two-syllable words with the same spelling:
   - nouns are usually stressed on the first syllable.
   Example: a 'record
   Note: There is not always a change of stress in words that are both nouns and verbs.
   Example: an 'answer, to 'answer
                  a'picture, to 'picture

2. Listen again and practise saying the sentences in 1. 🎧

(Page 44)

   Community development

1. Match the words with their meanings.

1. donate (v) a. giving or willing to give freely
2. volunteer (n) b. far away from places where other people live
3. generous (adj) c. to give money, food, clothes, etc. to a charity
4. remote (adj) d. to be in a better position because of something; to be useful to somebody
5. benefit (v) e. a person who does a job without being paid for it

2. Complete the following sentences using the correct forms of the words in 1.

   1. He is very _____.  He is always willing to give a lot of money to charity.
   2. The school is difficult to get to because it is located in a _____ area.
   3. If you don't have time to volunteer, you can _____ money and food.
   4. This clean water project will ______ the people in the village.
   5. Our club needs more _____to clean up the park at the weekend.

3. Choose the correct word to complete each of the following sentences.

   1. We need to be careful / careless when we record the donations.
   2. I am interested / interesting in community development activities.
   3. There are excited / exciting volunteering opportunities in our community.
   4. Last year, I was hopeful / hopeless at maths. I couldn't even do simple addition in my head.

   Past simple vs. past continuous with when and while

     We use:
     • the past continuous for a past action in progress (longer action).
     • the past simple for an action which interrupted it (shorter action).
     I was reading an article when she called.
     While I was reading an article, she called.

   was reading

1. Choose the correct verb form in each of the following sentences.

   1. While Lan was working / worked as a volunteer in the countryside, she met an old friend.
   2. I was revising for my civics class when my dad was telling / told me about the volunteer job.
   3. We saw many unhappy children while we were helping/helped people in remote areas.
   4. He was sorting the donations when he was realising / realised how generous people were.

2. Combine the two sentences using when or while where appropriate.

   1. They were cleaning the streets. It started to rain.
   2. I was watching TV. I saw the floods and landslides in the area.
   3. Tim was searching for employment opportunities. He found a job advert from a non-governmental organisation.
   4. They decided to help build a community centre for young people. They were visiting some poor villages.

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Tổng số đánh giá:

Xếp hạng: / 5 sao

Sách giáo khoa liên quan

Ngữ Văn Tập 1

Sách Ngữ Văn tập 1 (thường/cơ bản)

Ngữ Văn Tập 2

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Ngữ Văn Nâng Cao Tập 1

Sách Ngữ Văn Nâng Cao Tập 1. Tổng 18 tuần

Ngữ Văn Nâng Cao Tập 2

Sách Ngữ Văn Nâng Cao Tập 2. Tổng 35 tuần

Toán_Đại Số

Sách Toán_Đại Số (Thường/Cơ bản). Tổng 6 chương và 30 bài

Toán_Đại Số_ Nâng Cao

Sách Toán_Đại Số_ Nâng Cao. Tổng 6 chương, 34 bài


Sách Toán_Hình. Tổng 3 chương, 10 bài

Toán_Hình_Nâng Cao

Sách Toán_Hình_Nâng Cao. Tổng 3 chươn, 20 bài

Hoá Học

Sách Hoá Học, cơ bản. Tổng 7 chương, 41 bài

Hoá Học Nâng Cao

Sách Hoá Học Nâng Cao. Tổng 7 chương, 53 bài

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Sách Vật Lý. Tổng 7 chương, 41 bài

Vật Lý Nâng Cao

Sách Vật Lý Nâng Cao. Tổng 8 chương, 60 bài

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Tài liệu học tập

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Global Success & Bộ Giáo Dục - Đào Tạo

Bộ sách Global Success & Bộ Giáo Dục - Đào Tạo là sự kết hợp giữa ngôn ngữ Tiếng Anh theo lối giảng dạy truyền thống và cập nhật những phương thức quốc tế


NXB - Đại Học Sư Phạm TPHCM

NXB - Đại Học Sư Phạm TPHCM

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