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What Is Plagiarism?
Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It refers to using another person's words or ideas as your own. If a student is caught plagiarizing, he or she can be kicked out of school. It's therefore important to understand what plagiarism is, and how to avoid it.
A. (🎧3-24) Listen. Read each situation below. Write P if it's an example of plagiarism.
1. Kevin copied his friend's essay and turned it in as his own. _______
2. Tara put quotation marks around a famous quote and listed the source. _______
3. Zac summarized an author's ideas for his paper and listed the source. _______
4. Pam copied and pasted a paragraph from an online encyclopedia for her report. _______
5. Hee-jin wrote the date of the invention of the light bulb without listing its source. _______
B. (🎧3-25) Listen. Complete the notes. Two words are extra.
cite summarize paraphrase multiple instructions list |
1. Learn to ___________.
2. Use ___________ sources.
3. ___________ your sources.
4. ___________ the source if the origin of the idea is unclear.
Discussion. What would you do if you knew a student turned in someone else's essay as his or her own? Why?