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Student part-time jobs
Work in groups. Think of suitable and useful jobs that students can do while studying at school or university. Use these questions as cues for your presentation.
• What is the job?
• What are the main responsibilities of the job?
• What qualities and skills do you need to do the job?
• What are the benefits of having this job?
Now I can... | ✓ | ✓✓ | ✓✓✓ |
• identify and pronounce stressed auxiliary and modal verbs. • understand and use words related to work. • use simple, compound, and complex sentences correctly. • read for main ideas, specific information and inference in job advertisements. • give opinions about different jobs. • listen for main ideas and specific information in a phone conversation about a job vacancy. • write a job application letter. • express anxiety and respond to it. • recognise some unusual jobs around the world. • do research on suitable part-time jobs for students and present the information to the class. |